Note to Self: Listen Up
As you are pondering what life may bring, I want to share some reflections that might settle your fears and give you hope for the future.
I believe you have been given a gift and that gift is ambition. You are going to have high aspirations for yourself. However, what you really need to know is that sometimes, your ambitions will scare other people and they will tell you that certain things cannot be done. They will try and detract from your purpose.
Here’s the thing; Don’t listen to them!
You’ve got this. You’ve got vision and you know who you are, and what you want to become. Run with it! Sometimes your friends, and even your family, will try to knock your aspirations down a peg … but not your mother.
Your mother is a little different. She once told you that “you can be anything that you want to be” and that she has “complete confidence that you are going to succeed at anything you put your mind at.” Well, turns out she was right.
Treasure that knowledge for the rest of your life. It will give you confidence during the hard times, and happiness during the good times. You really can be anything you want to be, and thank goodness you have the work ethic to back it up.
Your father will play a part in your success, too. You may be wondering why that is. Life isn’t fair, and while you may not believe it now, I’ll tell you his absence may have been one of the better things that could ever have happened to you.
When you were very young, your father’s absence was your secret. Not too many people knew what happened, and though it caused you pain in the beginning it will give you strength in the future. That strength will be necessary to face the challenges thrown your way. That newfound strength will amplify your ambition and cause you to succeed in your personal and professional life.
It’s also his absence that will drive you to be the best father that you can be for your own children. And though you will have success in your business life, your children will be your greatest source of joy – and you’ll love and cherish them even more.
You are probably wondering by now what to expect in your professional life. There will be two major themes in your life – travel and helping others reach their full potential. You will travel all over the world teaching, sharing and educating. You will also have the honor to speak to thousands of people, uplifting and motivating them through your own life experiences. Your work will be very satisfying, so just know that what you are experiencing now in your life will benefit others down the line.
Del, you may only be from a small town in Indiana, but you are going places. Do not be concerned with your past or worry about the future. Many opportunities and rewarding experiences are ahead of you. Right now, focus on the present and make the most out of each moment in front of you. Be the best version of yourself at all times.
But above all, listen to what your mother told you. She’s right. You can be whatever you want to be; and you will be a success no matter what the future brings. Enjoy the journey, Del.
This post was created in collaboration with National Car Rental (, which offers car rentals to any business traveler for any size business. All opinions expressed in this post are my own and not those of National Car Rental.
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