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How Do You Make Customers Fall In Love With Your Products?

As the song goes …”Love is a many-splendored thing”… and when you’ve got your customers experiencing this feeling with your products, sing Hallelujahs! You’ve got it made. As an entrepreneur or a business owner with your personal branding, that’s what it’s all about – success. Of course, it’s easier said than done.

Building Customer Interest Is Like Today's Dating Game.

Much like modern-day dating, building a love relationship with consumers can be exciting but challenging. You have first got to woo her, create a positive first impression, get her interested in your product and work hard at that interest, nourishing and nurturing it till it turns into a love that lasts, which in essence, means your product gets to be used or consumed for a lifetime. And that’s no exaggeration. You’ve heard or read of milk products with excellent branding mothers have loved and trusted when they were kids and have now passed this on to their own children, right? There are many other business outfits and high performance products with personal branding that have enjoyed and continue to enjoy much success through generations … breakfast cereals, fast food chains, hotels, fashion apparel, shoes, etc.etc.

Learn From Them

Harnessing and sharing the data available behind the success of these products could help your entrepreneurships. Here are three important ones:

1) Know and understand your customers’ needs. More than just commissioning a market study on this (which could cost you an arm and a leg), you should be able to get some good insights too if you look closely into their social behavior based on what they say and do, on and off your website. Understanding this information allows you to make each customer feel like she is the “chosen one.”.

2) Build your product’s profile. As you connect and engage your customers in an online dialogue, find out how she views your product’s branding and work out ways to improve and strengthen it. This is the wooing stage where she’ll get to know what to expect from it and what you can expect from her. If you’re doing a good job, this will cross over to the in-store experience, a sort of .. a first date.

3) Give it a great follow-up. She may or may not buy your product. The thing is, you still know her interests and preferences. So, offer her something she can’t resist. If you already know she loves those chocolate covered cherries, throw in a special discount to “win her heart.”.

As you go through these good, positive interactions, you can always drive the relationship to a higher level by continuing to surprise and delight your customers with a promotional token gift that says she’s valued or a simple thank-you card for visiting your site. When you’ve gotten her to sign up for your store credit card, sing Hallelujahs again! That’s a strong, clear sign of commitment to love!


About the Author


Del Denney has consulted for the top personal development and training organizations in the United States and has addressed thousands of people in talks and seminars throughout the United States and Canada. As a Keynote Speaker and Seminar Leader, he addresses more than 10,000 people each year.

He has studied, researched, written and spoken for over 15 years in the fields of marketing, business, branding and success psychology.

He speaks to audiences on the subjects of Personal and Professional Development. His exciting talks and seminars on Leadership, Selling, Lifestyle by Design, Entrepreneurship, Real Estate Investing, and the Psychology of Success bring about immediate changes and long-term results.

He is the CEO of Full Potential Academy a training company that focuses on personal and professional development, social media growth, and brand development.

He is the owner of a real estate business that buys, sells, and rents homes. His residential redevelopment company focuses on improving neighborhoods and redeveloping residential areas.

Del has also had successful careers in sales and marketing, investments, real estate development, and management consulting.






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