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How Do You Gain Trust as a Leader and Influencer

How do you build trust as a leader and influencer?

In this video, I give you 4 actionable items to build that trust!



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How do you build trust as a leader and influencer? In this video, I give you 4 actionable items to build that trust!

Alright so how do we build trust with those that we lead and influence?

First, align our actions with our words.

Consistency between the two are vital in creating trust. If you are going say your going to do something, then do it!

Second, Model Behavior.

If you say Team Work is important, than you better be a great example of someone that is a Team Player.

Third: Build Trust by Giving Trust.

If you want people to trust you, you first have to trust them. There is a reciprocity factor when you extend a hand of trust to those that you lead, they’ll give it right back.

Fourth: Share your knowledge.

Sometimes some self doubt will come with this; “Who am I to teach this?” but Let that self doubt go, and share your knowledge.

So to recap,

Align Your Actions with your Words
Model Behavior
Build Trust by Giving trust
Share Your Knowledge

Working on those 4 areas will help build trust for you as a leader and influencer.


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