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A Moment for Gratitude

I wanted to take a moment to express some gratitude.  As I was getting out of the shower, I started recounting my activities for the day.  I thought about in the morning when I took my precious daughters to school and then afterwards stopped by a new rental property of mine to check on the new floors being installed.  After taking off my real estate investor hat,  I had a great work out in the gym.  After becoming a sweating mess, that’s when the shower and reflecting came into play. 

I think showers are my sanctuary for deep thoughts.  I was reflecting on what has happened up to that point in the day, and felt a sense of gratitude for what was going on.  In about two hours from that point, I’d be boarding a flight for Atlanta, flying first class.  I don’t say that to impress you, because I know many of you have flown first class.  I say that, as an expression of “I can’t believe I get to do it.”  I’m a guy without a college education but a guy that is headed to Atlanta to spend 4 days, as a consultant getting people to perform at higher levels.  A guy that, after his consulting is done, is headed to Hawaii.  For 2 weeks I’ll be in paradise…and for the 5th time in my life to visit the islands.  I still can’t believe this is my life some times.  I’m indeed grateful. 

I do want to say that it hasn’t always been sunshine and rainbows.  I’ve experienced a divorce over a year ago.  I’ve walked away from a religion that I didn’t agree with anymore.  I’ve had a great deal of struggle that probably no one has known.  I think I’m the epitome of a duck swimming across the water.  The duck looks graceful but underneath, he’s paddling like hell.  However, even though there has been struggle and challenges, there has been much growth.  I think I’ve always tried to learn from any challenges that have come my way.  I think that’s why I have been able to succeed to the degree that I am in. 

So what am I grateful for?  I’m grateful for the challenges.  I’m grateful for the learning lessons.  I’m grateful for the days that I’m working my ass off and no one sees it.  I’m grateful for these moments, because they make me stronger.  They give me perspective.  They give me empathy for others.  They help me reach my full potential. 
So as I’m on a plane sitting in first class, right now as I write this, I want to express my gratitude to the universe.  I’m thankful for all that has been sent my way, both good and bad.  I’ve learned from the challenges and have been grateful for the abundances. I’m grateful for my children. I’m grateful for my mother. I’m grateful for my friendships. I’m grateful for a special woman in my life.  I’m grateful for my professional life.  I’m grateful for my health.  I’m grateful for you that is reading this. 

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Del Denney has consulted for the top personal development and training organizations in the United States and has addressed thousands of people in talks and seminars throughout the United States and Canada. As a Keynote Speaker and Seminar Leader, he addresses more than 10,000 people each year.

He has studied, researched, written and spoken for over 15 years in the fields of marketing, business, branding and success psychology.

He speaks to audiences on the subjects of Personal and Professional Development. His exciting talks and seminars on Leadership, Selling, Lifestyle by Design, Entrepreneurship, Real Estate Investing, and the Psychology of Success bring about immediate changes and long-term results.

He is the CEO of Full Potential Academy a training company that focuses on personal and professional development, social media growth, and brand development.

He is the owner of a real estate business that buys, sells, and rents homes. His residential redevelopment company focuses on improving neighborhoods and redeveloping residential areas.

Del has also had successful careers in sales and marketing, investments, real estate development, and management consulting.

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